Back to the Past: The Rise of the False Heiress Marrying the True Tycoon novel free - Chapter 314

Chapter 314


Chapter 314: A Familiar Figure


Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

At first glance, the sales clerk could not discern that the trio was a family, their demeanors were too disparate. Observing the older woman and the one with the striking aura, he noticed their similar countenances. Seeing them constantly together, he concluded they were indeed related and approached to offer his enthusiastic assistance.

Gu Zi selected several outfits for both Mother Lin and Li Hua to try on, eventually letting them choose a piece they liked to purchase. In the end, both women opted for the least expensive item they had tried on. Mother Lin whispered in Gu Zis ear, Lets go with this one. The clothes in the city are too expensive, we cant afford to wear such costly items.

In their village, they would buy fabric and make several garments from a single piece. Gu Zi merely chuckled at this, not saying much, and instructed the sales clerk to wrap up the two pieces of clothing for her to pay for.

Gu Zi then led Mother Lin and Li Hua to buy shower gel and skincare sets.

Women naturally love beauty, and after Gu Zi explained the purpose of these items, they did not refuse to buy them. Moreover, Gu Zi, being clever and persuasive, even managed to haggle down the prices in the department store. When it came time to pay, she had secured a discounted price.

If it came to being frugal, most women who are accustomed to a life without money would be good at saving. But when it came to spending money wisely, Mother Lin and Li Hua both felt that Gu Zi was the expert in their family.

After leaving Xinghua Department Store, Gu Zi had Su Le take a rickshaw ride while the adults bought some snacks to enjoy at a nearby table. Li Hua and Mother Lins faces broke into adorable smiles, the sunlight casting a soft, rustic glow on their faces.

Gu Zi was very fond of them and treated them as her real family, hence her willingness to pamper them. She believed that a kind and pure heart never goes out of style. The family of her biological parents was such a warm and loving family.

Gu Zi said, When we pass by the fruit stand later, lets buy some fruits. You both should eat more fruits, okay? Women should take good care of themselves. I believe thats what Dad and Brother would want too.

Now that Lin Cheng had a stable job, their household would only get better.

They should start improving their lifestyle. Li Hua was a bit worried and said, Youve already bought so many things and spent quite a bit of money. You still have your husbands family to consider, so this might not be a good idea.

Mother Lin also nodded in agreement. Although Su Shen loved Gu Zi dearly, spoiled her, and loved to spend money on her, it was his own money he was spending. Gu Zits position was different. She was already married and spending so much on her maternal family might invite gossip. Gu Zi, lets not buy the fruits. We have so many orange trees in our village. Oranges are also fruits, we can just eat those.

Gu Zi disagreed, We cant just eat oranges. Eating too many oranges isnt good either. We should eat a variety of fruits. As for the gossip, you dont need to worry about it. Su Shen is a reasonable person. Rest assured, he also believes that money is meant to be spent.

When one aims high, gossip is inevitable. This was a good time to train oneself not to be affected by others words. Gu Zi felt that the Lin family needed to progress and develop together. This was a mental barrier they had to overcome.

Hearing Gu Zis words, Mother Lin felt they made sense. Money is something you cant take with you when you die, so it should be spent when you have it. Su Shen was capable of earning money, and Gu Zi, being his wife, spending his money wasnt wrong. Why should they care about what others say?

Mother Lin suddenly felt relieved. She couldnt always stick to her old mindset. She needed to progress with her daughter. Only then would they truly feel like a family. Li Huas face also regained its initial relaxed smile. After taking a bite of her snack, she looked up and saw a familiar figure.

Isnt that Lin Miaos classmate MO Li, isnt it? Do you see her too?

Gu Zi and Mother Lin followed her gaze and indeed saw MO Li. She looked a bit pale, but her attire was peculiar, the more they looked, the more it resembled Gu Zis style.

MO Li also spotted them, looked surprised, then quickly turned and briskly walked away, disappearing around the corner. Mother Lin was puzzled, Why is she running away?

Gu Zi, however, understood clearly, Shes deliberately avoiding us.

This MO Li, true to her character in the book, was capable of deceiving the male protagonist, Gong Zhan. Her cunning and scheming were not to be underestimated..

